Summers last cold soup
Cold Cantalope Soup
1 medium, ripe cantalope
1 individual serving of plain yogurt
1 individual serving of Stonyfield Banilla yogurt
2 T. mint, chopped fine
juice from 1 lime
zest from 1/2 lime
Macerate the zest and the mint in the lime juice. Blend all the ingredients in the blender and refrigerate. Makes about 4-6 servings.
All the ingredients can be played with...I used Banilla cuz I LOVE it, but plain or vanilla would still give a great outcome. Mine ended up sweet enough for me, but you could always add some agave nectar if you wanted to make it sweeter. The Fall has moved in and the temperatures have dropped. I find that I really do cook according to the season, so I think this will be my last summer soup. In fact, last night I found myself salivating over the thought of some black bean soup. My darling daughter and myself just came back from a cruise in the Caribbean and I bought two cookbooks that look GREAT!! of the first recipes I plan on trying is the black bean soup...and being a Caribbean recipe, they, ofcourse, add rum!! What can be bad about that!!?!