Chamomile oil infusion

Each summer I make up an oil that I use in place of "store bought moisturizer". I infuse organic rose petals in olive oil as my base. This summer I am going to add chamomile oil to the base also. Chamomile is so soothing (this is the tea you drink before bedtime to relax you!) and, once planted in the garden, will visit you every year whether you want it to or not! This summer I had a handful of plants pop up so I picked the flowers and stems, cleaned them off and put them in a small chair, topped them off with sweet almond oil and olive oil and set it in the sun to infuse. While some will do their infusions in a crock pot or on the stove, I gotta go for the sun! It was the way I started and I feel those plants drink up the sun's energy when I place them outside for a day or two. Within minutes of being in the sun, the oil warms up and the plant starts to release it's precious essential oils. Every time I walk by, I give a little shake, put it back in the sun Once out of the sun and open, the sweet smell of chamomile permeates the oil.

I have not infused the roses yet, but once that is done, and oohhhh you should smell that one!.., I will combine them together and add some essential oils that are good for skin of "my age".... Carrot seed oil, rosehip seed oil, rose, lavender, and frankinsense all have benefits they add to help in our anti-aging fight, so I will add a drop or two of each. I end up with an oil perfect for my age and skin and it didn't cost me an arm and a leg! My skin drinks it up....and is very happy!


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