Electric Chair in Miniature

    Ohhh, as much as I love this, I can't help but feel a little "off" by the fact that I do think it's a great mini!  It's just slightly gruesome, right?  My favorite holiday has always been Halloween so I think I just have a side of me that leans towards true crime novels and scary movies and this mini electric chair fits right in.
    I don't own this.  I office next door to a retail store that sells dolls houses and accessories, The Teeny Weeny Miniature Cottage.  One day Bev, the owner, walked over and showed me her latest creation.....this electric chair.  She made it herself, it is for sale, and let me tell you, it is fabulous.  The bottom picture was taken to show that she even put buckles on the ankle and hand straps and yes, it does work.  I never had her plug it in, but there are wires running from the skull cap thingy and she said it does give a charge.  Honest, it is so unique and so I did tell her that I was going to blog about it and hopefully there will be a good "home" out there waiting for just something like this.  I will be happy to share the stores number if you let me know you are interested.....honest, I didn't ask the price so I can't pass that on...sorry.  I'm just starting my Southwest house...no room in it for an electric chair.  BUT it sure does make the imagination go wild with ideas.  Ok, back to priming my dolls house!


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